Happy Days are here again!
Quite honestly, I'd much rather read ANYTHING than a tragedy. My husband always gets annoyed because I don't want to go to the movies or watch things on TV. Partly, that's because if I have two free hours I'd much rather spend them reading than watching someone else's interpretation of something. But even more than that, so much of what he wants to watch is just plain depressing.
I know I'm far too sensitive for my own good. I've always been that way, hence the reason I've never watched much TV. I mean, my mom had to stop me watching Captain Kangeroo because I got so upset I got nightmares after watching him get picked on. I seriously, seriously cannot stand bullying--emotionally or physically or even psychologically. When I see abuse of any sort it completely floors me for DAYS. I mean weeks and weeks I think about things and get upset.
Maybe that's why I became a writer in the first place. As a child I needed to create a world where I could control who got hurt and who didn't. The bad guys always lose and the good guy always gets the girl.
Reality is overrated. . .