Convince Me

I love this book! In fact, I love the world I've created in this book. I love the characters and the setting and the dialogue. I had so much fun writing this book, now I just hope other people like it as much as I did!
Release day for me is usually spent running around from group to group doing the happy butt wiggle dance and enjoying myself. Unfortunately, instead I'm running around the house and the town. I've had appointments, play dates, pre-school, errands and all sorts of other stuff that has kept me from my beloved computer. I still have to run children to dance class and home from the play date AND go to work, plus I'm meeting people after work.
Where's the author time I ask you?????
I think I'll print my cover and drool over it while I'm running all over the place. I may be annoyed, but I'll have eye candy to console me, hahahaha