Arianna's Blog

Come listen to the ramblings and assorted babblings of a crazed mother and newbie author. It might not always be helpful, but it should be amusing.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Blast from the past

Today I took my daughters roller skating. They're on vacation so I'm trying to spend "quality" time with them so I don't feel guilty jumping for joy when they go back to school. Honestly, if I don't get the chance to write something soon I'm going to pull my hair out!

But I digress. . .

I took my girls to the local rink and couldn't believe it. It is EXACTLY how I remember it from my days as a teen. The smell of the prezels, the tan rental skates, the lockers, everything. I strapped on my skates with my girls and went out on the floor and it all came back to me. Before long I was skating backwards and making turns and everything.

The girls had a blast, once they let go of the wall, and can't wait to go back. My friend and I think we'll go back without them to reclaim our youth once again. Maybe if we get lucky we can do it without permenently hurting something, hahahahaha.

Thanks everyone for your prayers and good thoughts, I'm sure they helped and I really needed them.

Now if I could get the painting finished and the kids back to school, maybe, just maybe I could get back to having a life! What a thought!!!

Take care everyone and thanks so much!


  • At 1:18 PM, Blogger Mary Stella said…

    Glad to hear the good news about your father, Ari!

    I loved roller skating as a kid. There was a big rink not far from our house and we frequently went in to skate. I used to be able to spin, skate backwards and all that fun stuff. Wouldn't think of trying it now! LOL


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