Arianna's Blog

Come listen to the ramblings and assorted babblings of a crazed mother and newbie author. It might not always be helpful, but it should be amusing.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Ready for a long winter's nap

I went shopping today for food for this weekend. I have three different groups of people coming to my house over the next three days so I need all sorts of groceries. I hit the liquor store too, and bought the last of the last minute gifts.
I'M DONE!!!!

Sure I need to clean my house and cook all the food I just bought, but I don't need to set foot into another store for at least a week. Thank God!

Why does it feel like the holidays approach with all the speed and panic of an on-rushing train? I remember as a kid waiting for Christmas and it seemed like it NEVER arrived. Now I keep thinking "Oh my God! Christmas is this Sunday! ACK!"

What do you think? Have the holidays suddenly arrived that much quicker or is it just now we have so much to do instead of counting down the days that it just feels quicker?

I think it's a conspiracy and they're ganging up on us. . .

Have a happy holiday, whatever you celebrate and I'll see you all in 2006!


  • At 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Definitely suddenly arrived. I can't believe it's already here!

  • At 10:17 PM, Blogger Mary Stella said…

    Hope you and your family had a terrific holiday, Ari! *MUAH*


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