Arianna's Blog

Come listen to the ramblings and assorted babblings of a crazed mother and newbie author. It might not always be helpful, but it should be amusing.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

In the beginning. . .

Hey everyone!
Thanks for the supportive comments! I'm pretty focused on getting back down to a healthy weight right now. But be warned, if I get nasty in the next month you'll know why! I really hate dieting--obviously.

I love food. There's no two ways about it. My entertaining involves food, my vacations involve food, my leisure time involves food. Basically, if an event involves food and better yet, free drinks, I'm there.

I have comfort food, summer food, winter food, holiday food, stress food, pms food. You name it, if it requires a celebration or a crutch, I have just the right food for it.

Entertaining by the pool? Hot taco dip and margaritas

Friends over for the game? Chips and salsa and beer

Holiday party? Hot crab dip and wine

Stressing out over family members? Chips and dip and/or Cheetos

PMS? Popcorn and chocolate in equal parts

Feeling down? Any form of potato with or without some sort of cheese (I love cheese fries!)

Actually, I've never met a potato I didn't like. Dr. Atkins is rolling over in his grave at my preferred diet. I remember when I lived in my first apartment I never once had meat in it. Not because I'm a vegaterian-- I'm not-- but because I lived on pasta and popcorn and baked potatoes. Oh, and bagels. Basically I never met a starch I didn't like either.

Except turnips. Do they count as starches?

Besides loving food, I also hate feeling like I'm depriving myself of something. That's why fad diets won't ever work for me. I could be able to eat whatever I wanted but if the diet said I couldn't have one thing--even if it was something I didn't like-- I'd immediatly want that one thing. I'm contrary that way!

Did I have a point to this conversation? Um, actually no, just so you're aware that I'm SUFFERING by dieting and please put up with me when I get cranky and miserable, hahahaha.

I'll keep you posted. . .


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