Going straight to hell
I think that I'm going straight to hell after the way my thoughts went today. Let me explain. . .
Back in the winter my daughter had a play date with a little girl from down the street. When her family came to pick her up, her younger brother ran through the house like a maniac, then got upset when I told him he couldn't play here. I stupidly said that he could come back in the summer and go swimming just so he'd get out of my house.
Well. . . Now it's summer. So I'm in a position where I need to invite this family over to go swimming. Not wanting to break my word, I called yesterday to invite them over for today.
They came.
It was the longest two hours in my entire life. I mean, two hours of child birth was easier to take than this. Heck, two hours of dental work without novicane would be easier to take. So as I'm smiling and nodding and trying to keep my house in one piece, inside I'm screaming at them to get out!!!
It was then that I realized I'm not a very nice person. I mean, I try to be kind to others, but deep inside I'm just not very nice. Is that a bad thing? I guess it is. So that's how I've come to the realization that I'm going to hell.
But at least I won't be lonely. . .
; )
Back in the winter my daughter had a play date with a little girl from down the street. When her family came to pick her up, her younger brother ran through the house like a maniac, then got upset when I told him he couldn't play here. I stupidly said that he could come back in the summer and go swimming just so he'd get out of my house.
Well. . . Now it's summer. So I'm in a position where I need to invite this family over to go swimming. Not wanting to break my word, I called yesterday to invite them over for today.
They came.
It was the longest two hours in my entire life. I mean, two hours of child birth was easier to take than this. Heck, two hours of dental work without novicane would be easier to take. So as I'm smiling and nodding and trying to keep my house in one piece, inside I'm screaming at them to get out!!!
It was then that I realized I'm not a very nice person. I mean, I try to be kind to others, but deep inside I'm just not very nice. Is that a bad thing? I guess it is. So that's how I've come to the realization that I'm going to hell.
But at least I won't be lonely. . .
; )
At 6:37 PM,
Kris Starr said…
So, whaddaya mean, not a very nice person?? Sugar wouldn't melt in your mouth, darlin'.
Sarcasm? Who, me?? ;)
At 6:38 PM,
Kris Starr said…
ps. Totally forgot to say that I'll be your travelling companion on that express train. First-class ticket, too. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200... *eg*
At 10:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
Those people sound bad, but what about those people who came over 1 July. You know, the ones who drooled at the sight of the pool and gulped down margaritas? I hear they were real pains!
At 3:24 PM,
Arianna Hart said…
I wonder sometimes if being nice outwardly is good enough? Thanks for letting me know the inner me always manages to shine through, hahahaha.
And I enjoy it when MY FRIENDS come over and drink margaritas with me. Especially when they can carry on a conversation. . .
At 6:00 PM,
Kate said…
Did you beat the crap outta the kid? no? Then you're not a bad person.
Who knows what eveeeeel lurks in the hearts of women. Until you start screaming until the foam forms at the corners of your mouth or you pick up that baseball bat, you're still Officially a Nice Person.
At 6:03 PM,
Kate said…
and hey, Bree...errr, I mean anonymouse, You talking about me?
At 10:33 PM,
Mary Stella said…
Ari, just because you don't hit it off with one family does not mean that you aren't a nice person. Give yourself a break. YEESH! :-)
At 5:07 PM,
Kate said…
ari, get back here and post so we know you haven't murdered anyone.
At 8:00 PM,
Arianna Hart said…
Thanks Mary! I got along with her fine, I just hated every last second of it. Apparently she thinks I'm a great hostess and a very nice person. Which makes me feel worse because being around her made me envy those people being boiled in oil or doing heavy labor in the hot Arizona sun. . .
Glad to know I'm loved!
At 10:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Please, if kids give you trouble, keep some nightquill on hand to dull them out. Or even large rubber bands to put around there waste to keep there hands down.
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